4th National Summit on Cybercrime.

I am honoured to accept today’s award, on behalf of IFW Global, at the PNP 4th National Summit on Cybercrime 2017.

Today’s award was presented by The Philippine National Police, Anti-Cybercrime Group, at PNP Headquarters in Camp Crame, Quezon City. We are pleased to work with the men and women in the PNP, Anti-Cybercrime Group and acknowledge their dedication and professionalism.

Today’s award is in recognition of IFW Global’s work in identifying serious organised cyber gangs throughout the Philippines and our collaboration with Philippine law enforcement agencies to bring about justice against violations of the Republic Act No. 10175 also known as the Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012 (Philippines).

Part of IFW Global’s mission is to support Philippine law enforcement to create a safer cyber environment.

IFW Global has an extensive array of integrated services with one objective

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