Scam Details


Email [email protected], and [email protected]

Phone Number – +65 31580259

Address – 25 North Bridge Road, North Bridge, Singapore

IFW Global has received complaints from concerned investors about losing their funds to a scam called ‘Royal Assets Pte. Ltd and Royal Assets.’

IFW Global has determined that this ongoing scam syndicate have targeted potential investors with promotional materials on social media, published websites, and education materials including YahooFinance. The scammers attract potential investors by purported as investment brokers soliciting investments into IPOs and other securities.

IFW Global does believes the ‘Royal Assets Pte. Ltd and Royal Assets is heavily linked to an identified criminal syndicate which has allegedly operating for 15 years in Malaysia. Click here to learn more about this boiler room operation.

Royal Assets Pte. Ltd's website landing page (

Boiler Room Scam

These types of investment frauds are commonly known as “boiler room” investment scams and are usually carried out by professional con artists, confident tricksters, and fraudsters who use fake names and mask their real locations and identities, whilst purporting to be hotshot brokers for a premium investment firms, usually based somewhere in Southeast Asia or Eastern Europe.

The money paid by the investor is never traded or invested. The funds are immediately stolen and laundered through “laundering agents” and “bankers” who take a commission for moving the money around the world, ultimately ending up either in cash, luxury assets, or in the personal accounts of the fraud masterminds.

The boiler room fraud industry is successful because of the international cross-border nature of this type of investment fraud. Many of the groups and suspects involved in this fraudulent activity are based in Southeast Asia but other boiler room operations have been uncovered in Spain, Cyprus, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Serbia, South Africa, and Israel.

Next steps

If you have been targeted by the “Royal Assets Pte. Ltd” scam, it’s important to follow the below steps immediately:

Royal Assets Pte. Ltd website and marketing literature

IFW Global Investigations is a private intelligence and investigations firm that represents investors who believe they have been scammed or duped into fraudulent investment schemes. We are strictly vetted by the NSW Police Force in Australia and the State of Florida in the USA, and you can view and verify our investigator licences at

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