Hosted by Detective Inspector (retd) Gary Jubelin, the ‘I Catch Killers’ podcast sheds light on the darkest corners of Australia’s criminal underworld. From forensic experts to infamous felons, Gary’s guests divulge untold details of the most horrific offences and fascinating discoveries they have ever encountered.

On the last two episodes of ‘I Catch Killers’ podcast, IFW Global’s Executive Chairman, Ken Gamble, joins Gary as he shares his journey to becoming a private investigator – including how he helped to bring home a child who was snatched from her mother and taken overseas.

As you’ll learn while listening, Ken tracks down leads across the globe with unrivalled tenacity. Discover how his steadfast determination, specialist skill set and global contacts haved served to solve some of the world’s toughest cases in this latest episode.

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Bright the truth to light with a private investigator

If you suspect that someone you know has been kidnapped or abducted, it is vital that you take urgent action. At IFW Global, our renowned investigators have the expertise, experience and exclusive connections to uncover your loved one’s whereabouts in almost any country.

With a variety of specialist backgrounds, including law enforcement, foreign intelligence services, military and private security, we are highly-skilled in navigating high-tension situations across the globe.

Learn more about kidnapping and abduction investigations with IFW Global or contact our team now. Every hour counts.

IFW Global has an extensive array of integrated services with one objective

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